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Congratulations Mr. Trump!

2016/11/09. - írta: Válasszunk

Mr. Trump is the president-elect of United States of America. It's time to make America great again! Isn't it great now? Well, that depends. If you believe in freedom of speech, freedom of artistic expression and see America right now, you have a reason to say: America isn't a great country anymore. You want to discuss some topic and have an opinion? Well, it might offend someone. Maybe it would be a microaggression, but still it would make YOU hated, you would get bullied by masses and the public pressure might threaten your job, your chance to make a living. And from here, in Hungary, it looks pretty bad. Even in communist era we had more freedom of speech than you have now.

In communist era one of our soccer teams were called Haladás, or Progress. Well, that is a slogan we all know. Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton and the voters who voted for either party. Some ideology decided what is progress, and everyone who didn't agree was branded as nazi, enemy of the state and a public enemy. In most of the western world if you question some "progressive" ideology you get the exact same treatment. Of course no one comes for you in a nice big black car made in Soviet Russia. No. An angry mob will gather for online virtual lynching, they will bully your employer, you lose your job and chance to live.

And most of these progressive thinkers won 0 elections, they aren't in an elected position. They are just self appointed autocrats created by a certain closed political elite. Mr. Trump, you fought valiantly and bravely against this system. It was a battle well fought and well won. We have to admire your fighting spirit. You made it clear you don't respect the rules made by these men, you won't be PC, you wont let bullying and virtual lynch mobs trample on freedom of speech.

Thank you for helping open discussion happen, and we hope it leads to a better government and stronger democracy!

But things will be much harder now, you face a new challenge. Spotting what's wrong isn't enough, you should learn how to make things right. And you should represent even your opponents. Listen to them, work with them. And this is the hardest part.

Even seasoned politicians don't listen to everyone, don't try to help everyone. They can say: We don't listen to those wishes, because they aren't politically correct. The citizens behind them aren't politically correct enough. You decided to kick the PC oppression out, and now you can't hide behind this shield. You can't afford to act cowardly and yell your politics is the only kind of democracy, your politics is the only valid option. You said no to bullshit politics, and now you have one job.

To do better!

You took a risky path, and many are afraid. But lets hope you will succeed and can Make America Great Again!

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